Picnic at Hanging Rock will plunge viewers into the mysterious disappearances of three schoolgirls and one teacher on Valentine's Day 1900, taking the audience on a new journey into the revered Australian novel. The complex, interwoven narrative follows the subsequent investigation and the event's far-reaching impact on the students, families and staff of Appleyard College, and on the nearby township.
This has to be one of the most enjoyable but equally daunting projects to date! We were approached by Fremantle to create a surreal and visually enticing digital instagram campaign. The idea was to help portray the story on instagram and display digital content relevant to each episode as it airs, without spoilers. The task was to create an overall artistic 'piece' that not only looked beautiful as a whole, but also had enough detail and intrigue in each individual post to keep the consumer engaged. Jack Staniland and I meticulously planned out each section, right down to the minute details and easter eggs in each post... all 168 of them! Between us, we created roughly 9-10 key arts that we felt epitomised each episode, but also the shows surreal aesthetic. It was a lot of long hours and hard work, but in my opinion, the end result was worth it.
Below displays a few of the animated posts we created, as well as a scrolling video showing the Instagram wall. Head over to @HangingRockTV to check it out in full!
Designed at Oink Creative.
The following is a short scrolling movie showing the full Instagram wall in all its glory.
The following are some episode focused facebook posts.